







       An earthquake is a shaking of the ground caused by the sudden breaking and shifting of large sections of Earth's rocky outer shell. Earthquakes are among the most powerful events on earth, and their results can be terrifying. A severe earthquake may release energy 10,000 times as great as that of the first atomic bomb. Rock movements during an earthquake can make rivers change their course. Earthquakes can trigger landslides that cause great damage and loss of life. Large earthquakes beneath the ocean can create a series of huge, destructive waves called tsunamis (pronounced tsoo NAH meez) that flood coasts for many miles.

       Earthquakes almost never kill people directly. Instead, many deaths and injuries in earthquakes result from falling objects and the collapse of buildings, bridges, and other structures. Fire resulting from broken gas or power lines is another major danger during a quake. Spills of hazardous chemicals are also a concern during an earthquake.

       The force of an earthquake depends on how much rock breaks and how far it shifts. Powerful earthquakes can shake firm ground violently for great distances. During minor earthquakes, the vibration may be no greater than the vibration caused by a passing truck.

       On average, a powerful earthquake occurs less than once every two years. At least 40 moderate earthquakes cause damage somewhere in the world each year. About 40,000 to 50,000 small earthquakes--large enough to be felt but not damaging--occur annually.

       附带翻译:地震是震动地面由突然打破和转移地球的岩石外壳的大部分造成。地震是在最强有力的事件之中在地球上, 并且他们的结果可能是恐怖的。一次严厉地震也许发布能量10,000 倍伟大象那第一原子弹。岩石运动在地震期间能做河改变他们的路线。地震可能触发导致巨大损伤和丧生的山崩。大地震在海洋之下可能创造一系列的巨大, 破坏性的波浪叫做海啸 那次洪水沿海许多英里。

       地震几乎从未杀害人直接。反而, 许多死亡和伤害在地震起因于下落的对象和大厦、桥梁, 和其它结构的崩溃。火起因于残破的气体或输电线是其它主要危险在地震期间。危害化学制品溢出并且是关心在地震期间。

       地震的力量依靠多少岩石断裂和多远它转移。强有力的地震可能猛烈地震动牢固的地面为了不起的距离。在较小地震期间, 振动也许没有大于振动由一辆通过的卡车造成。 平均, 一次强有力的地震发生较不比一次每二年。至少40 次轻度地震每年造成损伤某处在世界。大约40,000 次到50,000 次小地震-- 足够大感觉但不损坏-- 年年发生。


       Today, there are ways to protect and prepare possible sites of earthquakes from severe damage, through the following processes: earthquake engineering, earthquake preparedness, household seismic safety, seismic retrofit (including special fasteners, materials, and techniques), seismic hazard, mitigation of seismic motion, and earthquake prediction. Seismic retrofitting is the modification of existing structures to make them more resistant to seismic activity, ground motion, or soil failure due to earthquakes. With better understanding of seismic demand on structures and with our recent experiences with large earthquakes near urban centers, the need of seismic retrofitting is well acknowledged.



       Earthquakes are one of the most serious natural disasters in the world. Earthquake, is the sharp burst occurred within the earth produced a shock wave, within the scope of certain and cause ground vibration phenomenon. The earthquake is the earth surface fast vibration.It is like a tsunami, tornado, freeze disaster on earth as often happens, is a kind of natural disasters. The earth quake is the most visible, vibration most common form. In the bottom of the ocean or strong earthquake happened in coastal area, can cause huge waves, called tsunami. Earthquakes are very frequent, global 5.5 million times each year about earthquake.Earthquakes usually cause serious casualties, can cause fires, floods, poisonous gas leak, bacteria and radioactive substances diffusion, still may cause tsunamis, landslide, collapse, such secondary disasters ground fissures.A magnitude is according to the release of the earthquake energy size and decide. An earthquake releases energy more, the greater the earthquake level. At present, the humanity has recorded the magnitude of the earthquake is the largest on May 22, 1960 Chile earthquake happened, released by 9.5 energy equivalent to a single 1800 tons of explosives amount of hydrogen bombs, or equivalent to a 100 million kilowatts of power plants 40 years of the turbine. The wenchuan earthquake release energy equivalent to about 90 million tons of explosives amount of hydrogen bombs, or 100 million kilowatts of power plant capacity of 2 years.1 degrees: not only instrument can record to -; 2 degrees: micro inductive - especially sensitive person in completely the stillness inductive; 3 degrees: little inductive - indoor minority in the stillness inductive, hanging objects slight swing; 4 degrees: inductive - most people, outdoor indoor recently, hanging objects minority swinging, instability rattled the vessels; 5 degrees: wake - outdoor most people inductive, livestock restless, door window panes, wall surface crack; 6 degrees: panic - people stand instability, livestock flight, vessels PengShe damage over falls, crude, steep candy landslide; 7 degrees: roof damage - housing slight damage, arch, chimney damage, surface crack and sandblasting take water; 8 degrees: construction damage - much damage, a few houses destroyed, underground pipeline rupture collapsed embankment; 9 degrees: building common destruction - housing most damage, a few dump, arch, chimney, tracks crooked; such collapses 10 degrees: building common destroy - houses, damaged roads, dumping water waves of collapse, flying toward the shore; 11 degrees: destruction - houses collapsed, roadbed of bank section collapse produced very big change, surface destroyed; 12 degrees: mountains YiJing - all the buildings destroyed, the terrain universal destruction of drastic change plants and animals.Earthquake is likely to aftershocks, and aftershocks position is not necessarily a source close to the position. So study after the earthquake rescue is one of very important measure. When an earthquake occurs, it was vital to have your head, calm as attitude. Only calm, it will be possible to use at ordinary times, shockproof knowledge and learn the size and near-far judge earthquake. More recent earthquake often only after next bumpy start, swinging. Far less bumpy shock feeling, and mainly with wavering, little vibration and acoustic brittle. General small earthquakes and far tremor needn't breakout. Therefore, earthquake, although at present the human still cannot avoid completely and control, but as long as can master the self-help, mutualaid skills, can make the disaster to the minimum. Summary have the following: 1. Keep calm in the earthquake is very important, someone observed, many innocents because of houses collapsed and not by crushing or extrusion fatal injury, but because mental breakdown, thus losing hope of survival, yelling, yell, in extreme fear "kill" themselves. This is because, yelling yell will accelerate metabolism, increase oxygen consumption, physical strength drops, tolerance decreased; Meanwhile, shout, will be inhaled lots of smoke, easy cause choking increase unnecessary casualties. Correct attitude in any bad environment, always to keep calm and analysis environment, to find a way out, waiting for rescue. 2. Hemostatic, fixed scarred and crush injuries in common is the earthquake damage. Open wounds, go out blood should first hemostatic raise limb, and to call for help. To open fractures, should not do the site reset, in order to prevent the organization was injured again, general use a clean gauze to cover the wound, a simple again after fixation operation. Different parts of fracture, according to the different requirements of fixed. And with reference to different injury, conclusive classification, gradation, send hospital further treatment. 3. Properly handle the wound as soon as possible, should try to squeeze quickly remove stress, meet the wounded, large and keep the wound clean, with a clean gauze wound, suspected of tetanus and producing gas coli infection with the hospital immediately when contact, timely diagnosis and treatment. For large area trauma and serious gen injured, but the oral glucose brine, prevent shock occurred. 4. Prevent fire earthquake often cause many "times disaster", fire is a common kind. As soon as possible in the fire from the scene of the fire, burning off the clothes covered with wet clothes, or body, or lie and roll around, also can pour water splashed fire directly. Avoid by all means use both hands and flop flame, otherwise it will cause hands burned. Sterile dressings or clean cloth bandage send a hospital after further treatment. 5. Also want to prevent tetanus and gas gangrene, and early buried bodies, pay attention to diet water wholesome, prevent the big epidemic after great plagues.1 and in the playground or outdoor, can freeze ducks, hands protect the head, dodge the tall buildings or dangerous objects. 2, don't return to the classroom. Three, post-earthquake shall be organized to evacuate. 4, must not jump! Do not stand at the window! Don't go to the balcony. Family shock absorber secrets 1. Hurry up emergency. If feel shaking very light that source is far away, just beside a sturdy furniture can be. Earthquake, from beginning to end, time but vibration of ten seconds to dozens of seconds, so take the time to most key shock absorber, don't hold up time. 2. Choosing the shock absorber space. Indoor safer space has: the shock absorber, corner foot wall; A plumbing and heating pipes etc place. The most adverse shock absorber place is: no propping the bed; Condole top, droplight; Around the floor no-supporting; Glass mirror) and large (including window. 3. Do self protection. First to calm, choose a good shelter after sat down, should be ducks or face downwards, forehead in two arm head; Or seize table leg, etc, in order to avoid the objects around firm coseismic falls or injured because of body out of control shift; With bowed head and neck, protection, hand to protect the head or neck; Protect your eyes, and bowed down their heads, and close my eyes, to prevent foreign body damage; Protect mouth and nose, when possible, can use wet towel to cover your mouth and nose, to prevent dust and gas.

       A tornado, hurricane, flood, earthquake or other disaster can tear through our communities in moments destroying homes and businesses, uprooting families and leaving behind a path of destruction and broken dreams.

       Disasters can strike anywhere and anytime. No matter where or when they strike, though, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers stands ready to respond. We can’t prevent disasters, but we can reduce their impact and help people and communities recover more quickly.

       Each year, the Corps responds to numerous Presidential Disaster declarations and state and local emergencies, including manmade and natural disasters.

       Although emergency preparedness, response and recovery are primarily the responsibilities of states and local communities, some disasters are too large for them to handle alone. That’s when the Corps steps in to provide assistance.

       In the wake of the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the Corps also has begun to play a critical role in protecting the nation’s homeland security. The Corps emergency management efforts are built on the three R’s: Readiness, Response and Recovery.





       自2001 年,9.11的悲剧之后, 兵团在保卫国土安全方面,承担起重要的角色。兵团应急管理基于三个步凑: 时刻准备、及时响应,善后重建。
