








       英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的雅安地震英语作文范文:地震灾害逃生演练,供大家参考:) 每一天都会有不同的事情发生,发生的事情中会有开心的,也会危害到我们生命的,雅安地震的事情牵动着我们每一个人的心,学校为预防地震,让学生懂得在地震中如何进行逃生,我们学校组织了群体性地震灾害逃生演练。

        Each day will have different things to happen, happen there will be happy, will be harmful to our life, Ya'an earthquake that affects each of our hearts, the school for the prevention of earthquake, let the students know how to survive in the earthquake, our school organized a group of earthquake disaster drills.


        At two thirty, the classroom broadcast rang, principals in the radio said: "if an earthquake happens, just keep quiet......" , the words just say that finish, the teacher called the students quickly hid under the table, we followed immediately bent over, hid herself in the table, just like only the frightened rabbit.


        After a while, only to hear the teacher asked to leave the classroom, students quickly from the table drill out, ran to the hall and immediately row tidy team, under the direction of the teacher, two two to the playground. In the running process, we fall over each other, as if in the earthquake, when I went to the two floor, suddenly found in front of students crowded into a mass, you push me, I push you, more and more people, more and more chaos, some students shouted: "you get out of my way!" , some said: "what makes you go first?" I clip, in which also desperately squeeze.


        Extrusion corridor, my legs up and rushed to the playground. At this time, the radio said: "today we are doing a good job training......."


        I think through the drill, if after the earthquake, I wouldn't have to worry.


       An earthquake is the shaking of the ground caused by an abrupt shift of rock along a fracture in the Earth, called a fault. Within seconds, an earthquake releases stress that has slowly accumulated within the rock, sometimes over hundreds of years. The size of an earthquake is indicated by a number called its magnitude.

       Earthquakes have the power to uproot trees and send them crashing into buildings. They can trigger landslides and avalanches, and cause flooding and tsunamis. Human structures are also at risk. It is interesting to note that tall buildings will sustain the least damage if they are located directly at the epicenter. This is because they can withstand the up-and-down motion of P-waves. S-waves, on the other hand, occur far away from the epicenter, and cause the greatest stress by shaking buildings from side to side. These buildings are often knocked off their foundations.

       Scientists are continuously thinking of ways to try and reduce earthquake power. Some are trying to lessen the friction between colliding plates. They poured water down a fault where two plates were grinding together. The water “lubricated” the fault, letting one piece jerk free with a number of little earthquakes and preventing a large tremor. Architects are also designing earthquake-proof buildings, constructing on rock instead of gravel, or on soft sand or clay. Researchers are always trying to reduce the impact of earthquakes. They continue to study and experiment with ways to tame the Earth. However, we all still have much more to learn before we can control the power of one of nature’s most amazing phenomena.Here are some guidelines to staying safe in earthquakes.

       Things that you will need: Portable Radios, First Aid Kits, Fire Extinguishers and Flashlights;

       Step 1

       Stay inside and duck and cover. Get underneath a desk or table, or stand in a corner or under a doorway. Cover your head and neck with your arms.

       Step 2

       Move against an interior wall if in a high-rise building with no protective desk or table nearby. Cover your head and neck with your arms.

       Step 3

       Try to get into an open area away from trees, buildings, walls, signs and power lines if outdoors.

       Step 4

       Pull over to the side of the road away from overpasses and power lines if driving. Stay in your car until the shaking ends.

       Step 5

       Get away from shelves or other areas where objects may fall if in a crowded store or public area. Do not run for the door. Crouch and cover your head and neck with your hands and arms.

       Step 6

       Stay in your seat if in a stadium or a theater. Get below the level of the back of the seat and cover your head and neck with your arms.

       Tips and Warnings:

       · If you take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture, hold on to it and be prepared to move with it.

       · Try to stay away from kitchens and garages, where there are often many objects that might fall.When the earthquake occurred, it is essential to have a clear-headed, calm composed attitude. If the earthquake when you are indoors, such as further away from the windows and doors, temporarily escape in a solid corner or under furniture, is relatively safe. In addition, can also be transferred to the load-bearing walls more, a smaller hall in the kitchen, bathroom, etc. take shelter. Escaped after the main shock, should be quickly evacuated to a spacious outdoor. When the need to protect the withdrawal of the head, preferably with pillows, quilts and other soft goods Huzhu head.

       If the earthquake when you are outdoors open spaces, this is the most fortunate thing. If the building-intensive areas, the best hands or purses, and other soft goods Huzhu head, as far as possible, do a good job in self-defense preparations. And quickly left the transformers, poles and walls, a narrow roadway, and so on




       How to Protect Yourself in an Earthquake?


       During an earthquake, it is vital to take steps to protect yourself. The following are some safety tips to keep in mind:


       If you are inside a building, stay there and find a safe place to take cover, such as a sturdy desk or table.


       If you are outside, move to an open area and stay away from buildings, trees, and power lines.


       If you are driving, pull over to a clear area and stop the car. Avoid stopping near bridges or underpasses.


       If you are in bed, protect your head with a pillow and stay away from windows.


       After the earthquake, check for any injuries, and be prepared for aftershocks.



       Today,there are ways to protect and prepare possible sites of

       earthquakes from severe damage,through the following

       processes:earthquake engineering,earthquake preparedness,household

       seismic safety,seismic retrofit (including special

       fasteners,materials,and techniques),seismic hazard,mitigation of seismic

        motion,and earthquake prediction.Seismic retrofitting is the

       modification of existing structures to make them more resistant to

       seismic activity,ground motion,or soil failure due to earthquakes.With

       better understanding of seismic demand on structures and with our recent

        experiences with large earthquakes near urban centers,the need of

       seismic retrofitting is well acknowledged.



       If earthquake happened,firstly,don't panic and calm down.Secondly,find some safe place to stay and don't run in such a hurry.If in the room,one should hide himself/herself under something hard,such as desk,talbe or even bed and keep away from shelf and cupboard,and never take a lift to go downstairs.If in the open air,find an open place and never get close to cars or waterside.Thirdly,because when earthquake happen,there are also lots of other troubles to take place,for example fire.So we should help each other when we meet trouble.At last,no matter how strong the earthquake is,if only we have the belief to defeat it and never give up,we must be able to overcome any difficulties.

       An earthquake is the shaking of the ground caused by an abrupt shift of rock along a fracture in the Earth, called a fault. Within seconds, an earthquake releases stress that has slowly accumulated within the rock, sometimes over hundreds of years. The size of an earthquake is indicated by a number called its magnitude.

       Earthquakes have the power to uproot trees and send them crashing into buildings. They can trigger landslides and avalanches, and cause flooding and tsunamis. Human structures are also at risk. It is interesting to note that tall buildings will sustain the least damage if they are located directly at the epicenter. This is because they can withstand the up-and-down motion of P-waves. S-waves, on the other hand, occur far away from the epicenter, and cause the greatest stress by shaking buildings from side to side. These buildings are often knocked off their foundations.

       Scientists are continuously thinking of ways to try and reduce earthquake power. Some are trying to lessen the friction between colliding plates. They poured water down a fault where two plates were grinding together. The water “lubricated” the fault, letting one piece jerk free with a number of little earthquakes and preventing a large tremor. Architects are also designing earthquake-proof buildings, constructing on rock instead of gravel, or on soft sand or clay. Researchers are always trying to reduce the impact of earthquakes. They continue to study and experiment with ways to tame the Earth. However, we all still have much more to learn before we can control the power of one of nature’s most amazing phenomena.Here are some guidelines to staying safe in earthquakes.

       Things that you will need: Portable Radios, First Aid Kits, Fire Extinguishers and Flashlights;

       Step 1

       Stay inside and duck and cover. Get underneath a desk or table, or stand in a corner or under a doorway. Cover your head and neck with your arms.

       Step 2

       Move against an interior wall if in a high-rise building with no protective desk or table nearby. Cover your head and neck with your arms.

       Step 3

       Try to get into an open area away from trees, buildings, walls, signs and power lines if outdoors.

       Step 4

       Pull over to the side of the road away from overpasses and power lines if driving. Stay in your car until the shaking ends.

       Step 5

       Get away from shelves or other areas where objects may fall if in a crowded store or public area. Do not run for the door. Crouch and cover your head and neck with your hands and arms.

       Step 6

       Stay in your seat if in a stadium or a theater. Get below the level of the back of the seat and cover your head and neck with your arms.

       Tips and Warnings:

       · If you take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture, hold on to it and be prepared to move with it.

       · Try to stay away from kitchens and garages, where there are often many objects that might fall.When the earthquake occurred, it is essential to have a clear-headed, calm composed attitude. If the earthquake when you are indoors, such as further away from the windows and doors, temporarily escape in a solid corner or under furniture, is relatively safe. In addition, can also be transferred to the load-bearing walls more, a smaller hall in the kitchen, bathroom, etc. take shelter. Escaped after the main shock, should be quickly evacuated to a spacious outdoor. When the need to protect the withdrawal of the head, preferably with pillows, quilts and other soft goods Huzhu head.

       If the earthquake when you are outdoors open spaces, this is the most fortunate thing. If the building-intensive areas, the best hands or purses, and other soft goods Huzhu head, as far as possible, do a good job in self-defense preparations. And quickly left the transformers, poles and walls, a narrow roadway, and so on
